Detention with Gaku

Mr. Hayashi was an English teacher at Seikei Junior High School. He was in charge of Class C which I belonged to. His nickname was "Gaku" because he had a square head like a picture frame.
He had also taught my sister and brother. It was not the first time I met him in the class. When I was a pupil at Seikei Elementary School, my brother was hit by a taxi in front of the school gate. Gaku accompanied my brother with a bandage to my house. I recall seeing him standing with his back straight on the porch and bowing before my mother.
Well, he used to be a Japanese soldier in the World War 2. He was proud that he fought against the formidable Americans and survived the war.
However his English pronunciation was horrilbe. My class mate Asai-kun always mocked at him. For he stayed in Seattle, USA and went elementary school there. It goes without saying Asai-kun spoke English fluently.
My first impression of Gaku was scary. Rumor has it that in the class D he gave a slap on the cheek of a handful in the classroom.
Meanwhile in the class C it was a time for "Home Room". While Gaku gave us instructions, I chatted with Asai-kun in the back of the classroom. He combed his hair like Troy Donahue. Then he lent it to me. It was dumb of me to comb my hair just like Asai-kun did.
All of a sudden Gaku snapped at me, "Kaneko! Come to the blackboard!" I answered."Yes." and went to him right away.
My heart beat fast, as I thought he would have given me a slap on the cheek. But he didn't. Instead he took me to the teachers' room for detention. I just stood beside his desk. As punishment he wanted to give me a mountain of homework. In this case I should have said, "Yes,  teacher, I'll do it my best." That would have settled everything. But I answered, "Hayashi-Sensei, it's a piece of cake!" Gaku was really mad at me and said, "Have it you own way!" At any rate I was allowed to come home on the spot. It was a relief.
I am still wondering why Gaku didn't give me a slap on the cheek. That is a riddle.



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