Old Couple

You know I make it a point of go shopping to the supermarket, "Koyo" every morning.
I usually take home a 2 liter plastic tea bottle, vegetable, fish, fruits, even toilette paper, tissue paper. For the most part I end up holding too many things with my both hands. One day a kind old man, who was shopping in the supermarket said to me, "Oh, boy! Shall we take you home by taxi?" I replied to him politely, "Thank you. But I can handle it. Moreover I'm going to a coffee shop now."
When I was home, I told my wife about this incident. She said, "Those were the Watanabes who live on the 13th floor in the condo. The husband was the former executive of Sanwa Bank He suffers from cancer. His former wife died 10 years ago. Now he lives with his second wife."

Earlier in June I walked back to my condo after I ran an errand for the family.
Then I met an elderly woman in the elevator.
All of a sudden she asked me, "How's your wife doing?" I answered, "Thanks for asking. She's doing great. Me, too."
She dropped her voice and said, "My husband died on the 1st of June. Then she bent over and said, "I'm so sad." After that she left the elevator on the 13th floor.
When I was home I told my wife about this incident.
She said, "That was Mr. Watanabe's second wife." I answered, "Oh yeah? I didn't realize her. She seemed to be down with agony."

Earlier in July my wife met Mrs. Watanabe in the condo. She dressed up and was about to go to the concert. She said to my wife,"I'm doing great!"
She seemed to be in high spirits.

I wondered how women could overcome her husband's death so quickly?



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