
12月, 2012の投稿を表示しています

Prime Minister

What would I do, if I was elected Prime Minister of Japan? There are couple of things that occur to me. We'll have to be aware of economic policy, welfare policy and diplomatic policy. In the first place we get  Japanese economy straightened up. Since the bankrupcy of Lehmann Brothers in 2008, the Japanese economy has been suffering from an unprecendented crisis. Our stocks are going down due to the staggering appreciation of Japanese Yen. We've got a slight chance of exporting products profitably. Given the situation the incentive money to give each person $120.00 means almost nothing. In my family my domineering wife takes all the money. Even if I get it, I'd wind up spending money at a Karaoke bar singing with German cuties. Instead we'd better spend the moeny on people in neeed, such as  disabled, elderly and homeless people. I believe that would bring much more impact on economy. In terms of educational policy, I recommend that we raise a fund for supporti

Guest Worker

Today I'd like to talk about a funny story when I went on a trip to Germany. My flight with Royal Dutch Airlines has been delayed for a long time in Amsterdam. I made it to Inter City Hotel in Neurnberg at 3:00 in the morning. I was so exhausted that I wanted to get into my room right away and sleep like a log. At the front desk a short chubby man had been waiting for me. He smiled at me and said to me politely, "Mr. Kaneko, we have been expecting you." I just wanted to show him a voucher, which I acquired from HIS (Japanese Travel Agency in Duesseldorf). The voucher means that I have already paid the hotel fee through the agency. But somehow he insisted that I turned in my credit card, too. I asked him for the reasons. "Well, Mr Kaneko, once you get in your room, maybe you'd like to have some refreshment and watch TV and say a video. I mean, don't you like to see pretty sexy German girls?" He giggled. His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed gla

House Animals

Many people in Germany keep house animals. As a joke they like to draw a picture of a streotyped German family consisting of Husband, Wife and Dog. Nevertheless house animals play various important roles such as a companion, a caregiver and a protector. Make a speech on house animals for 3-4 minutes. You will have to be aware of the following five points when you give a talk. 1. Experiences with house animals 2. Situation in your home town 3. Advantages of keeping house animals 4. Disadvantages of keeping house animals 5. Your personal opinion on this matter Hello, everyone. Today I'm here to talk about house animals. I used to keep a Siberian husky when I was living in Tokyo. The blue-eyed puppy was so sweet that I walked her every morning. But when I was in the States on business, my wife and daughter had given secretly to someone in Sakai-shi. If the little dog is once grown up, it became a handful for my family. Shame on my wife! There are many families in Japan w

My Mentor

Today I'd like to introduce one of my friends, Shozo, to you. He's 73 years old and living in Hammatsu City. He dedicated his whole life to Civic Motor Company. For starters he worked at Civic Belgium. Then he relocated to Civic Reserach and Developtment Center in Saitama. After that he moved to Marietta Civic, Ohio, USA. He retired at the age of 60 but he wanted to stay in the States. So he signed up for Lord Warriors in Pennsylvania where I met him for the first time in 2003. Lord Warrior is search consultant firm specializing in placing professional, managerial and executive candidates with Japanese owned companies in the States. He was president's right hand. It was nice of him to invite me over to his apartment in Indiana, where he gave me a crash course for the executive search company. He was ariticulate and inspiring when it came to the the nuts and bolts of running a business. He was really my mentor. It's a shame that I could work with him for only a coup


Today I'd like to talk about one of my former company associates when I was working for a joint-venture between America and Japan. His name is Toshi. He worked for Star Freedom Inc., the sole distributor of the joint-venture. He graduated from Tokyo Engineering University. He was big into Go. In fact he was not good at speaking English. When we had lunch in a Japanese restaurant with American sales managers from the headquarters in Chicago, there used to be an awkward silence. Toshi shudders to think about even speaking to the Americans. One day he invited me to his Go club in Shinagawa. Instead of playing Go we just drank together to blow steam off. For we were a Madogiwa-personnel (an old employee due to his incapability doing nothing in the office except watching girls walking by through the window.) He told me how difficult to pronounce English. He experienced that during his stay in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. When he came back into his hotel room, he found a maid bed

Some Christmas!

Christmas is just around the corner. What do your decorations or lights look like this year? Did you listen to Christmas songs? Did you write Christmas cards? I did. I wrote to a German teacher in German. He's a typical fat German with a beard. That reminds me of Santa Claus. In Germany they call him not Santa Claus but Nikolaus. Nikolaus was born in the Eastern Roman Empire(current Turkey). His story dates back as far as in the 11th century when the Queen Thepandaou governed. In the 14th century Martin Luther forbade Nikolaus to give Chrismas presents to children. Nowadays in Germany instead of Nikolaus a Christmas Kind gives Christmas presents in the Christmas Market. In the 1930s All American Coca-Cola cooked up the name Santa Claus for its commercial. That's why the name Santa Claus is worldwide known. Well, I don't give it damn about the western history. After all I am Japanese, I just love  Santa Claus. Actually I really believed in Santa Claus when I was a kid

Hitler's last twelve days

Haggard though he was, he was still capable of inspiring fear, of falling into raging "carpet chewing" tirades. On April 25, he received a message from Goering: "Mein Fuehrer: Since you are determined to remain at your post in Fortress Berlin, do you agree, that I, as your deputy......assume immediately the total leadership of the Reich...." Goaded by the Goering-hating Martin Bormann, Der Fuehrer's eyes bulged with fury. "Nothing is spared me!" he screamed. "Nothing!" Every disillusion, every betrayal, dishonor, treason has heaped upon me!" Ordering Goering arrested stripped of all titles, he next heard that Heinrich Himmler had begun to negotiate with the enemy. "Now Himmler has betrayed me!" he shouted, and issued the same orders for the destruction of the weak-chinned little mass murderer. Hitler now executed his last general: Hermann Fegelein, Eva Braun's brother-in-law and Himmler's representatives in the Berlin b