Guest Worker

Today I'd like to talk about a funny story when I went on a trip to Germany. My flight with Royal Dutch Airlines has been delayed for a long time in Amsterdam. I made it to Inter City Hotel in Neurnberg at 3:00 in the morning.
I was so exhausted that I wanted to get into my room right away and sleep like a log. At the front desk a short chubby man had been waiting for me. He smiled at me and said to me politely, "Mr. Kaneko, we have been expecting you." I just wanted to show him a voucher, which I acquired from HIS (Japanese Travel Agency in Duesseldorf). The voucher means that I have already paid the hotel fee through the agency. But somehow he insisted that I turned in my credit card, too. I asked him for the reasons.
"Well, Mr Kaneko, once you get in your room, maybe you'd like to have some refreshment and watch TV and say a video. I mean, don't you like to see pretty sexy German girls?" He giggled. His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed glasses and let out a meaningufl smile.
It was so irresistable I almost said "Yes!" But at the same time I was thinking of my wife and daughter back in Japan. I turned to the direction of the elevator but he kept right on talking. He turned out to be an Italian! I thought, "How could I meet an Italian receptionist in Germany?"
Then he started not only priding himself of being an Italian but also lecturing me on wonderful ancient buildings of the Roman Empire, which weathered natural disasters for a long time and yet  now stand like a stonewall. Well, I'm sleepy and I have enough of this! I was so upset that I talked back harshly, "You Italians! We once belonged to the Axiom Power in the last war. But you CHICKENED OUT and you were the first one to surrender. Look at the Japanese, we were the last one to raise a white flag. You chicken!" After that he gave me the keys to the hotel room reluctanctly. I rushed to the elevator, but it won't budge. The Italian came up to me with a plastic card. "Well, Mr. Kaneko, you need this when you get upstairs" and inserted the card into the slot. Before the door was closed, he started lecturing me again, "Sometimes it's advisable to be the first one to give up!" Before I nodded the elevator shot upward.



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