Prime Minister

What would I do, if I was elected Prime Minister of Japan?
There are couple of things that occur to me. We'll have to be aware of economic policy, welfare policy and diplomatic policy.
In the first place we get  Japanese economy straightened up.
Since the bankrupcy of Lehmann Brothers in 2008, the Japanese economy has been suffering from an unprecendented crisis.
Our stocks are going down due to the staggering appreciation of Japanese Yen.
We've got a slight chance of exporting products profitably.
Given the situation the incentive money to give each person $120.00 means almost nothing. In my family my domineering wife takes all the money. Even if I get it, I'd wind up spending money at a Karaoke bar singing with German cuties.
Instead we'd better spend the moeny on people in neeed, such as  disabled, elderly and homeless people.
I believe that would bring much more impact on economy.
In terms of educational policy, I recommend that we raise a fund for supporting English school for kids. I suggest younger people in the range of 7-10 years old learn English up front.
In particular I'd like them to learn English pronunciation to start with.
I'd like to see one day that a Japanese Prime Minister has no trouble speaking face to face to international leaders.
Unfortunately this crisis started in the US. So many people would say that America is to be blamed.
However I am of the opinion that America is for better or worse still the super power in the world, on which we have to rely.
Last but not least, unlike Financial Minister Aso, I would not drop in a bar at Imperial Hotel to drink so expensive whiskey nor do I smoke a cigar that has a bad effect on health.
Unlike him I'd like to read out Chinese Character ariticularly and exactly as they are written in Diet.



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