House Animals

Many people in Germany keep house animals.
As a joke they like to draw a picture of a streotyped German family consisting of Husband, Wife and Dog.
Nevertheless house animals play various important roles such as a companion, a caregiver and a protector.
Make a speech on house animals for 3-4 minutes. You will have to be aware of the following five points when you give a talk.
1. Experiences with house animals
2. Situation in your home town
3. Advantages of keeping house animals
4. Disadvantages of keeping house animals
5. Your personal opinion on this matter

Hello, everyone. Today I'm here to talk about house animals.
I used to keep a Siberian husky when I was living in Tokyo.
The blue-eyed puppy was so sweet that I walked her every morning. But when I was in the States on business, my wife and daughter had given secretly to someone in Sakai-shi.
If the little dog is once grown up, it became a handful for my family. Shame on my wife!
There are many families in Japan who keep a dog. You'll be surprised to see that some of them put even clothing on their dog. I don't see any problem with that. Because each one has his own individual taste.
The greatest advantage of keeping a dog is that animals can soothe human-beings.
In big cities people tend to suffer from civilization diseases because of stress. At this moment they feel at home, when the cute house animals cuddlep up to them in bed.
On the contrary to these advantages, there are disadvantages of keeping house animals.
The question is how we handle excrement generated by these house animals when we walk them outside. We'd better take plastic bags with us. At least that's a good manner as far as a keeper is concerned. It goes without saying it is also important for hygiene and environmental protection.
As for me I'd like to keep house animals. But it is strictly forbidden in my apartment.
Well, I've seen the better days. My days are numbered. Chances are that  I'd die earlier than house animals.
It's so sad, but one has to accept the inevitable.



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