Damned Yankee

From time to time I chat with an American by the name of William Anderson over Skype. Our conversation goes like this. I say, "Hello, Bill. How are you doing this evening?" He says, "Good morning. I am making coffee and still yawning. It's cool and beautiful there." He likes talking about his family and his work.
His wife named Peggy goes to House Depot nearby to complement Bill's salary. Bill is 63 years old. He works for Illustration and Graphic Company. He has some fun projects to do at work and he's looking forward to digging into them.
He has a 20-year-old son, who always plays a Japanese game "Pokemon" and "Cosplay" with his friends in the garage. His son seems to be the apple of Bill's eye. He asked me, "How's your German Learning going?"
I told him that I have been a bit dissapointed at Germany, because they don't want to tell from the bottom of their hearts how they feel about the Holocaust. They deliberately avoid being discussed about this topic. Instead they always brag about how great their culture, literature and music are. I have enough of this. Given the fact, that Germany is now the richest nation in Europe, they'll have to confront America and Russia as a leader of "the European United States." But they seem to be shy and wouldn't come out front. The Germans are chicken!" Then Bill referred to the fact that the bastard Hitler killed 5 million Jews in the Second World War. So Germany is not entitled to progress to globalisation. On top of that there is still resentment in the neighboring countries against Germany.
Speaking of resentment, the southerners of America have still hatred toward northerners of  America because of the American Civil War. Therefore the southerners still call northerners of America "Damn Yankees." The war took place 150 years ago.The American Civil War started in 1861 for the cause of emancipation of black slaves in the south.. It was the war between Confederates(the sourthern Army) and Union( the northern Army) .Confederates fired at Fort Sumter, that's the very beginning of the Civil War. Nobody dreamed just horrible and costly the war would be. At least a half million battle deaths, many more lives shattered by disfiguring wounds inflicted by the weapons of an industrial age. In the end at Appotmattox Courthouse, General Robert Lee surrendered his Army to General Grant. After that President Lincoln made a speech at Gettysburg. The rest is history.
I checked "Yankee" in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It says "Yankee" or "Yank" means just Americans. It has a slight derogatory meaning, though.
After that I checked "Yankee" in German Universal Dictionary. It says the Japanese are Yankees of the East. Why did they liken the Japanese Yankees?  Presumably the Japanese made a tremendous effort to modernize the country to catch up with Europeans and Americans. They must have worked hard like industrious Americans.
I asked my wife, "What occurs to you when you hear of Yankees?" She answered flatly that it means juvenile delinquents in Japan. Yankees in Japan are always on the loose riding on a tuned-up Honda motorcyle. They never come back home.



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