Granny Smiles in Germany

Angela Merkel celebrated a landslide victory with her Christian Democratic Union having fallen short of an outright parliamentary majority.
The scale of truimph is due to the collapse of the Free Democratic Party, which has supported CSU/CDU coaltion ever since the end of the Second World War. Now FDP has no qualificattion to represent the Bundestag. On top of that Merkel had merely stand back and watch opposition parties' suicide.They eat each other and paid the price for failure to come grip with reality. What is new to us, is that the advent of  a party, AfD (Alternative for Germany) which popped up last April. It is interesting to know that one of their policies is to get back to the old currency of Mark instead of EURO. Do the Germans really want to walk out on EURO? Rumor has it, that the EURO crisis would be solved if the Germans took up Mark. For dibillitating countries like France, Greece and Ireland could discount the value of EURO and have competitive exporting capabilities against Germany's Mark.
For the time being the Germany economy is humming; unemployment is low and the most Germans are better off than ever before. Merkel's aggressive campaign was much more in tune with the sentiment of German electorates than those of opposing parties about the working classess.
But we have to be aware of the fact that Merkel's success owes to the former Prime Minister, Gerhard Schroeder. He slashed drastically the expensive cost of excessive Social Security System back in the early 2000s. Merkel has just put his policies into action.
The very monitoring system by NSA has started during the era of Gerhard Schroeder. He was against the President Bush's decision to fight Iran. I brood over the relationships between America and Germany.
Ever since East Germany and West Germany formed together, they forgot what Americans made a gentle contribution to Europe's successful reconstruction after the Second World War. Furthermore Germany kept a distance from other EU countries.
On hearing CIA's monitoring, Merkel must have been caught with her red garters down. However I would say Merkel did a good job when she heard of the news of Fukushima's catastrophe. For She took the plunge and took off her white panties. She made a decision to retreat from Atomic Energy and turn it into Wind Energy and Solar Energy. That's a fine job as a German Prime Minister. But I wonder whether her turnaround policy makes sense?
I've already heard the electricity cost in Germany is the highest in Europe.
As long as Germany takes up EURO as its cunrrency and has excellent indutrial and technological advantages over other EU countries, it goes without saying only Germany wins in Europe. I wonder why Germany doesn't share its fortunes with other countries and get along with them.
For better or worse Merkel is on her own. She has nothing to hide. Most of the European neighbors are worried about what kind of action she will take for the next five years. I hope she will never spread her legs wide open.



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