How I learn German in daily life

Today I'd like to introduce Deutsche Welle(DW) to you and how I learn German in my daily life.
DW ist a German internet newspaper whose headquarters is located in Bonn. It provides Learning German program on Facebook.
In this program I can practice various prepositions, conjunctions and colloquial phrases. The greatest advantage of taking part in this program is that you can compare your answers to other participants around the world. In other words, you're not learning alone. On top o that it is very nice of DW to correct my grammatical mistakes. It's unbelievable that I can learn German at free of charge. The Germans are the kindest people of the world! The number of people who put in "Likes" on this program is approximately 290,000.
Recently DW asked each participant a question: "Show us how you learn German in your daily life. And write your German Learning Method within five sentences and add a photo and send them to us."
It's like a winning contest. If I won the prize, I'd get a Leaning German material kit that includes a small back-packig knapsack, dictionary, ball-point pen and etc.
I applied for the winning contest for fun.
I answered:
"Every month I take part in a conversation circle at Japan-German-Society. We discuss about a designated theme, such as "My favorite composer", "Coffee and Tea around the World" "What do we expect the new Cabinet of Prime Minister Merkel?" and so on.
For that purpose I make a point of writing a blog for the theme beforehand. Then I underline only keywords and writed them down on my memo.
After that I take the memo with me to the conversation circle and try to speak by only glancing at the keywords."
I sent above-mentioned answers and a photo that describes my blog titles on Google-Blogger and the small memo to DW.
In return they sent me email. They asked me to send them my address.
I was very glad, because it looks like I am getting a clue!
They are going to check apllicants' answers from the five continents of the world. As far as Asian regeion is concerned, they will decide the best answer in a time-frame from August 27-September 10. I'm looking forward to hearing the results from DW.



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