Consumption Tax Increase

In March I visited my favorite dentist for a routine-checkup. Looks like I am not good at brushing and flossing teeth. When they rendered cleaning, the gum started to bleed. Then a young cute tooth-  hygiene -assistant suggested that I use a special tooth brush like this one in a photo to prevent the gum disease.
It's 17 cm long and about the size of the normal tooth brush. But the head part of the dense brush is round and 0.5 cm in diameter. The handle is made of semi-transparent plastic.
The advantage of using this brush is that you can pinpoint the gap between the root of your teeth and the gum underneath. That enables you to remove any food particles left in the mouth.
As a matter of fact the cutie demonstrated how to use this special brush and a hand mirror to me. In the meantime my favorite beautiful dentist showed up and checked my teeth. She smiled at me and said, "I use this special brush, too. That's my favorite one." That was a clincher. I found it irresistable to buy the brush. That cost me 500 Yen.
Well, I have never used a hand mirror in my life, because I don't wear makeup. My wife and daughter wouldn't let me use theirs for fear that I would mess it up.So earlier in April I dropped in a 100 Yen shop("Daiso") to buy a hand mirror. It cost me 108 Yen. That seemed to be reasonable. As you all know that consumption tax is raised from 5% to 8% as of April 1st. "Daiso"'s price tag is easy to understand. In the past everything you bought there cost 105 Yen. That means the "body price"(substantial price) 100 Yen plus the former 5% consumption tax. On the contrary in a cheap coffee shop "Doutor" where I drink coffee, they charge me now 220 Yen for a cup of coffee, compared to 200 Yen last month. That's actually 9% price hike. If you go to a stationery store nearby, the price tag shows only the substantial price and plus 8% consumption tax. It's very complicated, because you can't tell how much you should pay until you go to the cashier. I'm afraid I'll have to keep many 1 Yen coins in my purse from now on. The interesting phenomenon is when you look at the price of coffee cans and refreshment PET bottles at the vending machine, the price is set at 120 Yen, the same price as before. No price increase. Incredible! I wonder how much the dentist charges me when I buy the special tooth brush again. My understanding is that although medical fee is exempted from the consumption tax increase, the brush is considered as a commodity. so they would sell it for 515 Yen. No doubt about it.



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