Samurai's Wife

Today I'm very happy to introduce to you a play entitled "Samurai's Wife" which will be performed at Art Culture Theater between the 21st of February and 23rd of Februrary. Actually "Samurai's Wife" is Yone Suzuki who ran Suzuki & Company in the late 19th century. The company's headquarters was located in Kobe.
Yone presided over Suzuki & Compnay wheresas my grandfather, Naokichi Kaneko, reported to her as an exceutive director. Naokichi's family was a rich merchant in the 17th century. But generation after generation they had been putting down the poor.
As punishment, in the era of Naokichi the family reduced to being only an a garbage collector. Fortunately he was adopted by Suzuki & Company as apprentice. He was a genious when it comes to business. Taking an advantage of the Japanese victory in the  first World War, he made a incredible amount of profit and contributed to the company. So he ran up the corporate ladder overnight.
It's mind-boggling to hear that Suzuki & Company's turn-over exceeded those of Mitsubishi Trading Co. and Mitsui Trading Co. That's why people say that Suzuki & Company is legendary.
Unfortunately the company  went bankrupt in the middle of the Great Depression.
An author by the name of Kaoru Tamaoka originaly wrote a book "Oie-san" (Samurai's Wife) 25 years ago. This play is based on the book.
Tetsuo Takahira is responsible for the script and direction. A famous Japanese actress, Keiko Takishita is going to play a role of Yone along with Piccoro Drama Society Club.



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