When I look back on the year 2011

First of all, I'd like to talk about a friend of my wife's. Her name is Nishida-san. She is as old as my wife since they were at school together. Although Nishida-san married a rich man, she suffered from lung cander for years. When Nishida-san shuddered to think of seeing her doctor alone, my wife went with her to the hospital. They both were in the examining room to hear the results of X-ray inspection.

On the 25th of July,  Osaka firework festival by the name of Tenjin-Matsuri was held on the Okawa River in front of my wife's high-rise apartment.
It was nice of my wife to invite Nishida-san to her house on that day. Because Nishida-san had confided in my wife that this summer could be  her last chance to see the wonderful firework. It seemed that Nishida-san was pessmisitic about the doctor's prognosis of her disease.

When Nishida-san visited my wife with her husband, she gave my wife a nice present.  Actually my wife was taken aback when she accepted it.  Because it was a bunch of steak produced in Miyagi Prefecture. You know, Miyagi is a neighboring Prefecture of Fukushima, where the catastrophic radio-activity generated accidents happened in March, 2011.

Immediately my wife called me and insisted that I was the first one to try the steak out. She said, "Given the fact that you suffer from many after -male- menopause- diseases, you've got a fat chance to enjoy a long expectancy of life. In one way or another you'll die soon. I want you to be a guinea-pig."

It was so scary when I looked at the steak for the first time. I trembled and thought of my Mom.  Finally I took the plunge and ate it.
Nothing happened.  On the contrary it was delicious all the more. Then my wife encouraged that I eat more. My wife nicknamed the steak "Cesium-san". Now I have much Cesium in my stomach.

A week later Nishida-san called up my wife.  It seemed that she just wanted to thank my wife for the  invitation. Before she hung up, she asked my wife, "Are you OK? Nothing happened?" Well, I don't know what Nishida-san really meant. But did she want my wife to be her "death-companion"?

It's been almost three years since Nishida-san passed away. Belatedly I'd like to extend my condolence to her husband.



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