Pronunciation Tip "i" AND "i:"

As you know , my subject this morning is a pronunciation practice. In a few seconds I'm going to explain to you about  a pronuncation tip on "i" and "i:".
But first, I'd like to give  a talk on my summer school when I was a child. So, I would like you to see a photo that shows a sumo-wrestling match on the beach.  At that time I was a pupil at Seikei Elementary School in Tokyo.
In July, 1958 I went by ship to from Takehashi Pier to Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture with my classmates and Seikei University students as swimming trainers. In accordance with the school rules we had to wear a red swimming cap and a red loincloth. The disadvantage of the red loin cloth was that of course I was ashamed to wear it, because I didn't want my puberty hair to be seen. On the contrary the advantage of it was that the red color is so conspicuous that the trainers could grasp the loin cloth easily and save pupils when they were about to be drowned. Incidentally my wife has a fetish about red loin clothes so sometimes as a treat I wear them in bed.

Now, let's move on to the pronunciation practice
Some students confuse the vowel sounds (i:) (as in bean) and (i) (as in bin). If they confuse these sounds, "it" sounds like "eat" and "sheep" sounds like "ship". The sound (i:) is long and stressed. When you prnounce it, tense zour lips and spread them into a smile. The sound (i) is short and relaxed. When you pronounce it, don't tense your lips or move your tongue.

read the following pair of words and sentences aloud. Be sure to tense your lips and make a long sound  when pronouncing words with (i:). Be sure to relax your lips and make a short sound when pronouncing words with (i).

(i:)                                                         (i)
1. feet                                                   fit
2. sheep                                                ship
3. team                                                 Tim
4. When did he sleep?                          When did he slip?
5. She will leave.                                  She will live.
6. Change the wheel                              Change the will.



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