German Book Reading Club

Good morning, everyone.
Recently I set up a German Book Reading Club with one of my frineds named Hidenori.
I rent a seminar room in Ekimae Third Building.
The book is entitled "The Diary of a Young Girl" or in German "Anne Frank Tagebuch".
How are we going to organize the meeting? I suggested Hidenori that maybe we should adopt the method of Harry Potter Book Reading Club. For starters each of us reads the designated page in German and then translates into Japanese.
On the 7th of October the Harry Potter Book Reading Club was held. We are now reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Seven participants read their own part in English, then translated into Japanese. Including a small talk, we read three and a half pages within the time frame of 1 hour and 20 minutes. I told Hidenori about it and he agreed with me. I am glad to hear that because we can read only two pages within timeframe of only an hour.
Now I'd like briefly touch on Anne Frank. She was a Jew and born in Frankfurt in 1929 and died at the concentration camp in 1945. She was big into writing and had a talent for diary book writer.
Because of the Jew purification by the Nazi in Germany she fled with her family to Holland. In 1939 Hitler attacked Poland, that is the outbreak of the ominous World War 2. Then the Germans occupied Holland in 1940. Anne and her family and her relatives had to live in a hideaway secretly.
Anne Frank wrote die diary to "Kitty" from 1942-1945.
I quote a passage from the book page 41.
"28. September 1942 (Nachtrag)
Es beklemmt mich doch  mehr, als ich sagen kann, dass wir niemals hinaus dürfen, und ich habe große Angst, dass wir entdeckt und dann erschossen werden. Das ist natürlich eine weniger angenehme Aussicht."
Although she was persecuted by the Nazi, she kept right on writing her diary about her family, her friends and her handsome tall boyfriend. It was the tragic history.
The advantage of meeting Hidenori is not only reading the book in German but exchange German Learning methods and improve each other.
We are going to meet on the 7th of December. I am looking forward to seeing him.



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