Underground Shopping Arcade

A week ago I was walking down undergraound shopping arcade (Osaka Whitey) on my way back home. All of a sudden a strange man in his late 60s approached me and spoke to me. "Wow, it's YOU! We haven't seen each other for the last 20 years. Oh, it's a pity that you have become such an old chap!" At first I had a feeling I knew him, but his name didn't occurr to me. I thought he was also working for my former company, one of my colleagues. So, I asked him, "Excuse me, but were we working together? He said somthing to the effect that he was not exactly working with me in the same company. But he was responsible for delivering goods for my former company.
He was getting impatient and insisted, " Yuck, Don't tell me you forgot me. Do remember me, please." In the course of time I felt guilty that I forgot him. I thought if we'd talk each other a bit, then I would remember him. I asked him, "Why don't we drop in a coffee shop around here?" He answered, "No time for that. I'm in charge of delivering race horses in Shiga Prefecture. I'm going to talk to my boss up in Hankyu Grand Building. By the way, do you ever bet on horse racing?" I shook my head.
He went on talking, "Well, I bet on horse racing. I have just won 3 million Yen!" Then he dared to open his hand bag and showed off three wads of 10,000 Yen bills. After that we parted.
In the afternoon I talked with my wife about this puzzled incident.
She got angry and said, "How stupid you are! How could you ask a strange guy to have a coffee together. He must be a con man or something like that." I mumbled and said to myself, It's very strange. I know Osaka people are actually nice and friendly and they speak to a person in a laid-back manner. But I still don't remember him.
Then my wife smiled and said "You should have told him""If you are my friend, please give me a couple  of 10,000 Yen bills.""
Come to think of it I was acturaly working for a foreign affiliate company in Roppoingi, Tokyo 20 years ago.
He must have mistaken me for somebody else. But I envied him because he was loaded with such a large amount of money.



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