Volunteering Center

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about a seminar on a volunteer at the City Hall.
It was held at the end of Janauary on the fourth floor of a volunteerig department of the building.
It began at 10:00 in the morning and ended at 3:00 in the afternoon.
They want  to recruit caregivers who are willing to help disabled, or rather handy-capped elderly people.
The volunteering service includes household help, for instance, cooking, washing and cleaning up the room and so on.
Caregivers also watch people who suffer from demnetia by talking with them.
I applied to the caregiver's job, because I have nothing to do on the second week and the fourth week of every month. I want to contribute something to the society.
In the seminar the lecturers gave pointers how we deal with the diseased elderly people at home.
The most mind-boggling experience was that I simulated a ninety-year-old man.
I wore goggles. I had a bad eyesight. I carried sandbags around my arms and legs. I bent over forwards. Of course I leant on a stick. Followed by the lecturer I groped for a handrail in the darkness when I went down the stairs to the first floor.
No way! I don't want to live as long as 90 -year -old.
I'm not independent. Leaning on someone to live would give me pains, agony and helplessness.
One day  I want to die suddenly!



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