
Good morning, today I'd like to talk about nepotism.
First of all, let me read to you the definition of nepotism. "(Disapproving) the use of a powerful or influential position in an organization or government to obtain good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family"
The first time I heard this word  was from an American named Eric Hilton back in 1998.
He said something to the effect this word sounds in America derogatory, because it is related with corruption and incompetence.
Now I'm going to show you an example.
Have you ever heard of Otsuka Canned Goods Company? Mr. Goto, now chairman of the company was in charge of the president for a long time. His father founded the company in 1930s. Then Mr. Goto took over his father's job and pomoted dramatically  the sales of canned sea-foods, "Sea Chicken" which became popular in 1970s. The turnover had been expandig throughout the early 2000s.
He had married a woman from Kyoto whose family is famous for Master of Tea Ceremony. She was a director of the company, too.
She gave birth to two daughters. The elder one graduated from Keio University and obtained an MBA at Yale University in USA, whereas the younger one is a Seikei University graduate.
Incidentally my daughter used to be one of her friends at Seikei Junior High School.
Getting old, Mr. Goto wanted his eldest daughter to replace him as the president. But it didn't work out, because she made a big mistake by selling sea-food canned goods for humans and cat food at the same time. After that Mr. Goto appointed a husband of the younger daughter as the next president.
He also graduated from Keio University and worked for prestigeous Mitsubishi Trading Co. Probably Mr. Goto recommended that his son-in-law spin off to his company.
I assume that there must have been a blood-shed struggle withing the family.
I find nepotism obnoxious. For the employer dominates the whole stocks and money within his family and forces its employees under cheap wages.
As for me, I am very glad that my father didn't take over my grandfather's entrepreneurial enterprises and lived in an Ivory Tower, that is, studying philosophy, ethics. I recall him saying always. "My job is seeking the truth." Furthermore he didn't want me take over the job of a teacher, as teacher's salary is lower than that of a salaried man.
I thanked him for letting me working for one of my grandfather's companies. My wife married me, because she thought that I might make a president of the company, as I was a grandson of the founderer.
But because of the connection I was being envied and sometimes bullied by former colleagues. That's a shame. After I became a pensioner, I avoided a contact with former colleagues as possible as I could. Instead I made many friends here in Minoo. The sarcastical thing is now that I sit at my desk every day and read English and German books like my father. Like father like son. And I am very happy to be here to talk to all of you.
Last but not least, I want my daughter stand on her feet and seek her own way.



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