Visiting Osaka Mint House

On Sunday, the 10th of April I went to the Osaka Mint House to see double cherry blossoms. This year double cherry blossoms seeing or in Japanese "toorinuke" was held from April 9 through April 15.
It usually take 20 minutes or so to reach the Osaka Mint House from my house.
But on that day it was so crowded that I had to walk at a snail's pace. I cound't afford to drop in booths where they sell Yakisoba, Okonomiyaki and ice cream.
All of a sudden I wasnted to piss. These days I can not endure it when Mother Nature calls me. I was impatient. But soon I found a small hut by the entrance gate. Oh, shucks, it's women's restroom! I was disappointed but at the same time I was surprised to see so many women waiting in line.
Then I looked up the other side of the hut. Thank God! It really was a men's room, because a couple of guys were standing beside the john. I was relieved. Then I went down the slope. I was aghast when I saw again a large number of women were waiting in line for men's restroom, too.
I thought women are audacious. I wondered what would happen to me, vice versa, I mean, if I used the ladies' room.
After entering the gate of Osaka Mint House, I was able to take only three pictures of double cherry trees, because it was hectic.Guards warned sightseers "Don't stop to look at cherry tress! Jus keep going!" Furthermore there was a noisy announcement in Chinese, Koreans and English. What an awful mess! I don't feel like going to to the Mint House any more.
Three days later I had a chance to chat with an elderly man in the elevator of our condo.
He went to the Mint House on the 8th of April, that is, on the eve of the opening day. He really enjoyed seeing double cherry trees blossoms leisurely.
I recalled reading an article in the newspaper, the invitational day, ie, April 8th was set for diabled people.
I'd like to summarise by saying to those of who want to see double cherry blossoms, please avoid visiting the Mint House on weekends.



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