
In November 1975 I flew to Europe with my wife on a package tour. There were also 5-6 newly-wed honeymoon couples. on board.
First we landed in Vienna. Immediately my wife bought a fur coat. Fur clothing was in fashion in those days. She looked great in that fur coat. I thought she was an actress.
When I looked around, I was surprised to see a woman who was one of our tour members.
She wore the same fur coat as my wife's. I surmised that fashion forces human beings to follow the same new trend.
Looks like they competed for attention. Both of them looked gorgeous against the background of the coldest weather in Europe.
In Paris my wife was big into brand bags like Louis Vuitton, Fendi and Hermes.
We took a taxi. My wife showed the driver a clipping from a Japanese fashion magazine, "Ann Ann &Non Non" I doubted he could understand our destination, because it was all written in Japanese. He just nodded and answered "Si! Si!" Soon we arrived at the Louis Viutton shop.
The place was full of Japanese tourists. We were escorted to the 2nd floor. I was aghast. The saleswoman was a Japanese. She greeted us, "Irsshaimase!"
Nowadays many Chinese people come to Japan. They buy a large quantity of medicine, rice-cookers and toiletries. We should not mock at them because we bought too much in the past in Europe.
As for me I want to wear clothes regardless of fashion.
I just like to wear simple and practical. Besides I cannot afford to buy new clothes, as I am a pensioner. I wear the same jacket that I bought 10 years ago.
Incidentally I go to a barbershop once a month. The name of the barbershop is "The Cut".
They offer the cheapest price in Osaka, that is 1,000 Yen. First I get my side hairs cut with a 6 mm clipper. Then he shaves thin hair around the nape of the neck. After that he trims the hair on the top. Last of all he takes out a vacuum cleaner that sucks my hair all over my head. Good job. It lasts less than 10 minutes. I have to wash my hair at home.
On the contrary my wife goes to a beauty salon every month. It costs her 11,000 Yen and lasts 2 hours.
When my wife comes home, she looks great. Because of the pitch black hair she looks young and gorgeous. Indeed women take care of their hair, because it is likened to be life of women.
The fly in the ointment is her hair turns gray in one week or so.



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