Eccentric Computer

In my family there are four computers. My daughter has the latest operating system, Windows 10.
I envy her because her computer runs smoothly. But I can't help it. She uses her computer for her office work, too.
As for me I have three computers in my room, an 8 -year- old desktop with windows Vista , Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional. All of them run slowly.
According to Microsoft it would be better to use only Vista, because they stopped supplying Windows Update for Windows XP in 2014.
The problem of the Windows Vista is that all of my family uses it.
My daughter has no printer in her room. She sometimes sends G-mail to Vista and gets copies.
My wife likes surfing her favorite websites, i.e. opera singers, Shirasu Jiro's blog and so on.
Once a week she orders me to fill out the form of Kitchen Ale, a delivery company, for buying food, vegetables and rice. Otherwise she uses neither WORD nor EXCEL.
So, I use WORD for this  English lessons material and EXCEL for my personal schedules and the most importantly I keep updated on my savings on the EXCEL sheets.
It's a bummer that my daughter checks out on my savings amount and let my wife know how much I've got.
Furthermore she's curious about websites I visited.
Therefore I have to use the old windows XP Professional to type in my personal matters. Recently I got to know that Microsoft still provided the XP Professional with Windows Update when I got on the internet.
I called up Toshiba support center and asked them why this happpened. Unfortunately they didn't know the reasons. Instead they suggested I do the recovery job. Since I have no recovery disc, they tried to tell me the process of recovery. But being an old computer it didn't work out.
My elementary school friend is responsible for computer teaching. He told me the reasons. Since Windows XP Professional's customers used to be companies and government offiices, Microsoft might still sends Windows Update little by little.
On one hand it is a good symptom, because I am able to fend off  virus and hackers' attack. On the other hand, he said that he'd have a fright of using it, because nobody knows when Microsoft stops supplying Windows Update.
By and large I'm afraid of connecting this computer with the internet.
Sometimes I write to my sister a postcard with a photo on this computer.



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