New Sports Shoes

Recently I have worn out my favorite sports shoes. I bought it more than ten years ago. Moreover I wear them every morning when I go to the supermarket.
The brand name is "Asics" manufactured by Onitsuka. I like the shoemaker, Onitsuka, because I once visited its factory in Taiwan in the 70s.
When it rained, water soaked through the rift in the toe part. Sometimes I applied glue to the small openings and fixed it. My wife said, "It's about time you bought new ones." I agreed with her.
I went to a shoe-store near Minami-Morimach Station.The rumor has it, that the shoe store sells the cheapest shoes in Osaka.
A young employee greeted me cheerfully. He said, "We're on a clearance sale". I glimpsed at white sports shoes and asked him for the price. He said, "Two thousand Yen on the dot."
I thought,"Not bad" and tried them on.
It was too tight for me. I looked around the other ones. Unfortunately there were casual shoes for women. I asked him, "Suppose I come here next month, can you offer me better shoes that pass me?" He grinned and said, "Well, the next month, we're still on a clearance sale." What kind of a shoe store is this!
I went back home and got on the internet. I searched for sports shoes on Amzon website. I was interested in "Asics running shoes road jog '". But I doubted the size would really fit me, because I can not try them on.
One day on my way back home from this English class, I walked down Umeda whitey underground east mall shopping arcade to look for Onitsuka store. Looks like I lost the way.
I called up the store. A woman employee was on the other end of the line. She said, "I'n sorry, we're dealing with only Onitsuka walking shoes. But it was nice of her to introduce to me Onituska sports shoes store in Grand Front Building near Yodobashicamera. It turned out to be a professional trainers' shoe store.
Finally my wife bought me the "Asics running shoes road jog 7" on the internet. It cost 3,600 Yen. she said, "You deserve a pair of running shoes, because you run chores every day for me."
I waited about 10 days before Amazon shipped the sports shoes to me.
When I wore them I had a good feeling. They fitted me like a glove. The fly in the ointment was that the nylon mesh part appeared cheap.
But I can't complain. I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
It goes without saying I wear them every morning when I go to the supermarket.



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