I Miss my Old House in Tokyo

Today I'd like to introduce to you my old house in Koenji, Tokyo. I lived in a house with a garden when I was a pupil at Seikei Elementary School. In the Edo era aTokugawa General went on a hawk hunting to Koenji Temple from the shogunate headquarters.
Now I'd like to show you some photos.

The first picture shows  a balcony of the house, I'm sure you can see Hibachi, Shoji (a sliding door with white thin paper), Tatami and Fusuma (a sliding door with thicker various colored paper) behind the balcony. Everything is made of paper and wood.
That is a typical Japanese house, presumably constructed before the 2nd War. For better or worse, Koenji avoided US air raids during the war.
The neighbors on one side were Usui Yoshimi, who was a literature commentator and on the other side  a graveyard. In Koenji there are many temples where various trees stand. All kinds of birds came to them. I enjoyed hearing Japanese bush warbiers chirping especially in spring.

Now I am going to show you the second picture. On the garden I played with Aki-chan on the right and Makoto-chan on the left. They try to  stand on one leg on the barbel. The house was enclosed with the wooden fences, Over the fence you can see the trees in the graveyard.
You can also see a small window upside left. That is the bathroom. It stinks a lot and I hated going there especially at night. It was so spooky. to think of the graveyard next to the house.
We played hide-and-seek, cup and ball and "menko" on the garden.

The last picture shows Aki-chan and I are secretly pissing along the fence. Holy cow, the Myoga plants were growing along the fence.
Later on my mother reaped the Myoga plants and made the Myoga soup for supper.
Everyone in the family seemed to be satisfied with this soup. As for me it smelled a little bit salty.
Although the house was small and dirty, I miss a life in my childhood because there was stillness and freedom.



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