Eccentric Exercise

Last Friday I woke up at 4:00 in the morning. I wondered why I was awake so early in the morning..  I took a sleeping tablet before I hit the hay. Immediately my ears started ringing ferociously. For a change I went out to the park nearby. First of all i sat on the bench in front of Okawa river. I met two cats, white and black. I took a picture of only a white cat. Because it was Friday the 13th. If I took a picture of a black cat, I thought unfortunate things would fall on me.
Then i heard birds up in the trees chirping. I saw a couple of boats floating on the river. Everything is peaceful.
I was hungry and went to Seven Eleven, convenience store which run 24 hours a day. I bought some curry-bread.
Out of Seven Eleven I saw an older man walking backwards. A year ago I met him and talked with him a little bit. But not enough time. He had go to riverside to practice gymnastics with his friends.
This time I approached him and said, "Good morning! " He said he is 76 -year -old. He walks backwards for exercise. He explained to me walking backwards 100 steps is equivalent of 10,000 steps forward..Looks like he wants to be in health condition. Because he is apt to wake up every 2 hours during nights and must go to the bathroom. Moreover he had a back pain which he overcame by walking in the swimming pool.
After I got home, I got down on the internet to search "walk backwards & health"
It seemed that walking backwards is a new exercise. It stimulates your unused muscles. It helps stablilizing autogenic nerves.
The next day I woke up early in the morning and gave it a try as no one was to be seen out on the streets. I walked backwards 100 meters. Holy cow! I bumped into a tree and I felt dizzy and tired.
For years I take sleeping pills, because I am not able to sleep due to the noises in the ears.
But I'm afraid of getting addictive. So recently I started reducing an amount of sleeping pills to a half when I walk 6000 meters a day. So far so good.
Later on I talked with my wife about this eccentric exercise. She smiled and said "Don't walk backwards into a car. If you get hit by a car. You'd better get hit by  expensive cars like a Mercedes, a BMW or a Toyota Lexus."
She went on, "I would be able to get a lot of money for compensation."



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