May Day

On the early morning o the 1st of May my wife and my daughter went to see a movie entitled "Family life is hard for Men" directed by Yoji Yamada.
The movie is about a family-life in suburbs in Tokyo where a wife declared her husband, "All I want is to divorce you!" when her husband asks her, What do you want for your next birthday?"
For men it's a horrible movie.
As for me I had an appointment to meet my friend named Hidenori at 11:00 am. He's in early 40's and works for the Osaka Government office. We got to know each other when we went to German school together.
He came to the designated coffee shop all the way from Takatsuki. As usual we started reading aloud and translating a German book entitled "Dairy of a Young Girl"or "Tagebuch der Anne Frank".It was the 8th meeting since this book-reading-get-together started in 2014.
It lasted 3 and a half hours. For sometimes we got stuck in translating in Japanese because of the difficult sentences written by a 14-year-old girl. At that time we resorted to the translation book written by Ms. Fukamachi.
At the meeting I concentrated on my German pronunciation when I read the book. For I had practiced reading aloud at home in advance. I even recorded my voice on a sound recorder in my computer and checked my pronunciation beforehand.
We finished reading the book at 2:30 in the afternoon. I said, "Let's go down to the bakery and have lunch." Hidenori dropped his voice and said, " I have no money on me." I told him, "Forget it! The lunch is always on me. Come on, let's go"
During lunch he confided in that he would go to Tennoji instead of going back home. I answered, "In that case I'm willing to lend you 1000-2000 yen." I took 1000 yen bills out of my pocket.
He shook his head and said, "Kaneko-san, I can manage it with a "pitpa" card and "jedy" card.
As a matter of fact I paid by jedy when I ordered a coffee this morning. Jedy will do."
I surmised that "pitapa" is like a pre-paid ticket for boarding JR trains and private trains while "jedy" like an electronic money card.
I was envious of him when I saw his wallet filled with a lot of cards. It's been years since my wife confiscated my JCB credit card when we argued about trivial things. Thank God she didn't divorce me! It would have been a mayday..



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