
Last week I watched a TV program entitled Alzheimer's. I was interested in the disease, since my 74-year-old sister has suffered from it for years.
An authoritative doctor talked about the prevention of Alzheimer's. An interviewer was a 52 year-old Japanese actress whose mother has also Alzheimer's.  First of all I'd like to tell you about the prevention of the disease. I covered the following 5 points.
1. The earlier the detection, the better the medicine works
2. Take a walk every day for 30 minutes that stimulates your blood circulation
3. Don't live alone. Find friends. Get socially along with people.
4. A little bit tension is needed in your daily life to use your brain
5. A critical stage is when you have retired from your work
An interesting case is that a 70-year-old bookworm woman who in the least wanted to come down with Alzheimer's had eventually the onset of Alzheimer's at the age of 80.
So you can't tell what happens tomorrow even if you're armed with these 5 warnings.



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