I've seen better days

Recently I had failing eyesight. So I dropped in a shop by the name of "Paris Miki". There were two elderly sales clerks. Usually I put on spectacles from the shelf and examine the pictures. Since I got a creditcard from my wife, I ordered "ordered made" spectacles. First of all I had my eyes examined.
I sat at the inspecting machine and was about to look into the inside through the slot. The old chap said, "Wait a minute. First and foremost you raise your eyelids with your hands, then stick your head to the machine." I really raised my eyebrows and said, "Oh, man, how could I do that! My fingers are getting in my way!"
Then he called out the other one for help, "Look, this guy has slit eyes. Grab his eyelids and push 'em way up."
Now inside the machine I could tell  small circles with the dent up, with the dent sides and with the dent at the bottom. So much for testing my eyesight. One week later, I got the new spectacles. Thank God! After all was said and done, I  improved my sight.



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