What happens when you smoke

"Harvard Medical School, Family Health Guide" page 58

Tabacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, many of which are known to be carcinogens( cancer causing agents). Three of these tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide are especially dangerous. Tar is a mixture  of hydrocabons that becomes a sticky substance in the lungs and contains many cancer-causing substances.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical that, when absorbed through the lungs, affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A smoker smokes cigarettes to maintain a particular level of nicotine in the bloodstream.
Carbon monoxide robs the body of oxgen by decreasing the amount oxygeon that red blood cells can carry throughout the body.
There is no such thing as a safe cigarette, and that includes those that claim to deliver less tar and nicotine. People who switch to these "lighter" cigarettes eventually inhale longer and smoke more cigarettes to keep their level of nicotine up and prevent cravings for cigarettes. In the end, they spend more money on cigarettes, take the same amount of poison into their body, and run no less risk of disease.

I  worked for a pharmaceutical company that dealt with medical instruments for patients who suffer from COPD (Chronic Opressive Pulmonary Disease).
So, I'm aware of  mechanism of blood circulation. If you had oxygen deficiency in blood, you'd get into trouble. Chances are that you have asthma, emphysema and bronchitis. No doubt about it.
Some doctors want to be a sceintist, using various data and figures. They are big into a presentation.
But let them know that they are dealing with a physical human body, not physics. It is individually different, even if they give prognoses and reason with patients what happens to them in future.
Some doctors want to make a pass at nurses and even headnurses. They are considered as one night-stands.
Some doctors want to smoke.
At this poinst doctors' moral is asked. Once for all they passed national medical examinations to be qualified for doctors forever. That's outrageous! We've got to monitor them every three year or so that proves that they are a reporsitory of out of the way knowledge. Do doctors learn a lot about disease? Are they well informed about drugs?
As far as I am concerned, I don't believe in doctors who can not read English or German in original.
Last not but lesast, I'd like to quote the words from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the greatest author from Germany.
"He who is ignorant of foreign languages, knows not his own."



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