Book Review

Hello everyone! Today I'd like to introduce to you a book entitled "Seduction". It was written by an Austrian author by the name of Marlene Streeuwitz. She was born in Viena in 1950. At a university she studied law, slavish and cultural history. After graduation she worked as a film director and pesided over theater performances and TV dramas.
I decided to read this novel, because Goethe-Institute recommended that those who take intitute's C2 examination should read the book beforehand and write a review of the book during the examination.
The main character is a 30-year-old young woman named Helene Gebhradt, who is a single mother.
For she married Greror in her early 20s. But soon he walked out on her because of his secretary.
Therefore Helene had to take care of thier small daughters, Barbara and Katharina, while she worked for a PR company to get a salary. At the same time she was always looking for right guys to satisfy her sexual desire. She had a best friend named Puepi who is also a single mother with one daughter.
As Helene is a good-natured woman, she sometimes helped Puepi as a baby-sitter.Puepi is a slutty woman because she was alway going around with many boyfriends. Of all her boyfriends,to Helene's astonishment she found that Puepi and Gregor had dinner together at a restaurant. As for Gregor, Helene didn't know even where he lived. He would neither contact her nor pay for the expense of bringing up their children. Helene was exhausted and stressed out in her daily life. She seduced Alex, Hendrik and Chris. But every guy seemed to be a one night stand. Among them Hnedrik was a good man who was a musician. Helene fell in love with him. But the fly in the ointment is he was runnint out of money. He often went to Milan to attend a concert. Helene waited for his call impatiently. But when they met each other and went into a restaurant. Helene had to pay for the restaurants fee.
At last Helene employed a lawyer and finally got even with Gregor.
When I read this novel, I compared Helene with my daughter, who also married young but got divorced and now lives with my family.
Ostencibly my daughter is happier than Helene, since my wife takes care of her. But she lacks in independence which Helene has. Helene never relied on her fine rich father. At this point I always take my hat off to her. On the contrary it seems that my daughter has a couple of boyfriends. But she is always undecided. I am of the opinion she remarries sooner and get children. Once I see my grandchildren, I'd like to translate this novel from German to Japanese and read it out for them to promote self-indepedency from the early childhood.



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