New Year Holidays

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about my memory of New Year Holidays in my  childhood, in Koenji, Tokyo.
One the Eve of New Year, my mother bought a pine tree and decorated the front door of our house with it.
When the wall-clock hit 12:00 O'clock midnight, I ate "over the year noodles" with my family, hearing temples' bell ringig 108 times.
On the first day of January we ate for breakfast  Ozoni made of Bonito's soup, a rectangular shaped rice cake and various vegetables.
My mother cooked the best Ozoni in my life. After breakfast I went outside to see Aki-Chan, my best friend in the neighborhood.
We went to an elementary school nearby. On the school ground we flew kites high up in the sky. Then we dropped in Aki-chan's house where we played various games together, for example a banker's game, a baseball game produced by Epox Company. We had lots of fun.
During the course of time Aki-chan went to Gakushuin school while I went to Seikei school. When I was in the first year of the elementary school, my mother took me to Kyoto to see my aunt during the New Year holidays. We boarded a locomotive train in Tokyo. As the train was crowded we had to spread newspapers on the floor and sat there for a while. As the train approached Yokohama, we were able to take a seat. Soon a conductor came up to us to check the tickets. As he was finished with checking my mother's ticket, my mother pretended to sleep. The conductor stared at me and asked me to produced a ticket, which my mother didn't buy at all. I replied to him politely, "I am still a kindergarten child." He smiled and said sarcastically, "All right, good boy, you're a little bit big for the kindergarten child, though." Then he left. I was relieved and my mother stroked my forehead.
Finally we reached Kyoto in the morninng and went my aunt's house by streetcar.
My aunt spoke a typical Kyoto dialect, which I found foreign and uncomfortable. One one evening my mother and my aunt took me to a public bath. On our back way home, I looked up in the sky. I was surprised to see that the stars were so close to me that I had a feeling I could touch them. Upon reaching aunt's house, we were astounded to see her Kotatus had a small fire. The next morning my aunt served me Ozoni. Unlike my mother's Ozoni, it was a round shaped rice cake which I found obnoxious and yucky. I wanted to come back to Tokyo sooner and see Aki-chan again.



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