My Aunt

My aunt was a daughter of  a famous phislosopher, Kitaro Nishida. For my mother she was a sister. They grew up in Kyoto. Unfortunately my aunt was a rheumatic person. So, she didn't get married. She liked painting cats and flowers.
I met my aunt for the first time when I was in the first grade of Seikei elementary school.
For my mother took me to her house in Kyoto during the winter vacation.
The second time was when I went on a school trip to Kyoto at the age of 14. She visited me at Station Tower Hotel. It was nice of her to give me cookies, candy bars and one of Kyoto's specialities, ie, "Yatsuhashi".
Facsinated by this school excursion, I decided to go see my aunt alone during the summer vacation.
She lived together with various foreigners and many cats in her typical Japanese house. Actually she was a landlady.
I thought it was a good opportunity to brush up on my English. The foreigners were an English woman, a Pakitani, a Indonesian couple and Chinese students from Hong Kong. The English woman was a prude. She wouldn't speak to me. As for the Pakitani, my aunt warned me that I'd better keep a distance from him. She told me that he was dangerous, as he knocked up several Japanese women What a nerd! Instead  I made freinds with an Indonesian couple. We went together to Daimonji-Mountain to see Daimonji Mountain Burning Festival. On our way to the destination, the Indonesian started talking about cruelty of the Japanese soldiers during the 2nd World War. I was getting sick and tired of him. Am I responsible for the act of our soldiers? Meanwhile the Chinese ran away without paying rent. My aunt was so dissapointed. Nevertheless she was kind enough to cook a miso soup, some pickles, raw eggs and rice for me. As I was having such a simple breakfast, I heard "miau" in the next room. I opened the sliding door. To my great surprise cats were eating a steak. What kind of a diffrence between humans and housepets!
Cats came from also froeign countries, like Persia and Thailand.
From time to time my aunt visited us in Tokyo. I recall driving her and her cats in a basket to the American Air Force Base in Chofu to attend the cat show.
She painted a trmendous amount of ptictures depicting cats and flowers. I wonder where they have gone. Someone must have stolen them. He's really a pain in the ass.



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