
Today I'd like to introduce to you my Skype friend. He's an enjoyable 64-year-old American named Sullivan.
Last Sunday he started chatting with me. Immediately he called me. I was surprised that he phoned me, because we have been always chatting. It's been 7 years since I heard his voice last time.
Four years ago he suffered from prostate cancer. That's a shame. Just a couple of months ago he divorced his wife. He now lives with his son, Johnny. He called his wife a bitch. So I surmise that there must have been obnoxious struggles between him and his ex-wife. when he made up mind to separate. . He explained to me, the bitch means a mean, cold and nasty woman. That reminds him of Hilary Clinton.. Is Bill Clinton pussy- whipped? So am I.
Then we started talking about American presidential candidates. Donald Trump is eccentric..He is a businessman, not a politician. Asshole!
What is commendable about Sullivan is his volunteering spirit. As soon as he overcame the disease  he set up a website on "Preventing Prostate Cancer" He taught many patients how to deal with medication and depression caused by the illness. That's quite enlightening. He also helps the blind people make wooden products
Back to the American election campaign, he hates domineering Hilary Clinton and pompous Donald Trump. He cheered for Ben Carson, colored American. But it seems now he dropped out of the race. Shit.
By the way Sullivan always praises my responsibility for a volunteering English teacher in this class.
Then I told him Yamazaki-san's play-on-words. When I talked about an air cleaner that gets rid of dust and smoke in my room, he started singing the national anthem of America. For the air cleaner, directly translated into Japanese, it is "Seijoki". "Seijoki" also means the flag of the Stars and Stripes. Yamazaki-san hummed the tone of the national anthem like "Tcha Tcha Tcha Tchaaan..." At first Sullivan didn't know what I was driving at. But soon he was catching on. He burst into laughing. That's one proof that we Japanese and the Americans can communicate through music.
He is very interested in our English class. It was nice of him to offer that he'd be very much glad to participate in this class over Skype.
I answered him, "That would be great. Thank you for your kind offer. But the problem is that my computer is not equipped with wireless Lan. Moreover this classroom has not internet connection.
But it would be great if all the members of this class could talk to him over Skype and practice English.
Ain't it?



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