Is the Japanese newspaper full of populism?

Mr. Tani is a 64-year-old executive director of Yomiuri newspaper. He lives with his wife on the 13th floor of the same condo where I live.
He was born in Mie Prefecture and graduated from Kyoto University. He allegedly majored in French Literature. Up until today he suffered from lung cancer twice. Nevertheless he ran up the corporate ladder to the vice president. Looks like he's a go-getter.
My daughter happened to work at the society department where Mr. Tani presided. As the Japanese office room is open without partitions, they had a small talk for example about the weather, the recent society incidents and my family.
All of a sudden Mr. Tani brought up the subject of philosophy, because he studied Sartre, Rousouer and Gluckman, all ot them French philosophers. My daughter didn't know what he was talking about. After she considered for a moment, she took the plunge. She confided in that she was a great-grand-child of Nishida Kitaro. Mr. Tani was aghast. He said, "Nanu! Then what does your father do?" She said, "My father quit the job a long time ago. Now he's a volunteering English teacher for the elderly in a local town. Furthermore he's learning German at Geothe Institute."Mr. Tani sighed and said, "Holy, cow! I've forgotten about the French language. And still your father learns German?" Actually he screwed up his eyes and made a face.
In the course of time thanks to Mr. Tani and Mr. Fujita, professor of Kyoto University, our family was able to contribute grandfather's calligraphy to the Kyoto University Museum.I just signed the contract and wrote the letter of appreciation to the two people.I deliberately kept a distance from them. For one thing I am against authority like doctors, lawyers and professors. I hate to read Japanese newspaper with full of populism.They just go through writing incidents. They don't speak up to the Goverment and so on.
In the course of time the two people invited only my daughter to dinner in Kyoto, because they wanted to celebrate the successful  results of my grandfather's calligraphy exhibition.
In return my wife and daughter invited Mr. Tani over my house for luncheon. Then I intentionally went to Yodobashi- Camera to buy CDs and DVDs cleaning goods.
When it comes to Tenjin festival on the 25th of July, the Tanis.came over to my house to watch grandiose firework from the balcony. This time I avoided him again. I spent a night at Apa-hotel nearby.
I sometimes wondered how Mr. Tani looked like.
A month ago I went down to the first floor and got letters from the mailbox.. Then I got into the elevator. There were already four people waiting. When the elevator started going up, I gazed at a letter which was written by my obnoxious niece. I said to my self" Oh, Not again"Is she going down south?" On the upside of the envelope my name and address were clearly written.
After that a tall man passed me by and asked me, "Are you Kaneko-san?" I answered, "Yes, that's me." He said, "I'm Tani." I bowed before him again and again, because thanks to him my daughter is able to go to work."
But that was the first time I have spoken to him. Maybe he must have seen the envelope with my name on it behind me with a typical journalistic intuition and knew who I was.



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