What triggered me to be in charge of this meeting?

In early May 2008 I had a rash all over my body. I searched a dermatologist near my apartment.
As a matter of fact I found the one in a building next to Mitsubishi Bank. I climbed up a staircase and checked the dermatologist from outside. Something sniffs. I thought they'd charge an outrageous doctor's fee.
Back to the apartment I mulled over what I should do about my rash. I remembered that I had a contact list in Harry Potter Club. Mrs. Murakami must know the doctor I wanted.
I picked up my cellphone and called her. It was kind of her to tell me the doctor's name.
I got on the internet and checked the doctor. Good he lives in my neighborhood.After that I went over the map closely. Alas, he turned out to be an eye doctor.
I was totally at a loss. I clapped my hands. I forgot the most important man with whom I often went to a Karaoke Bar, that is, Mr. Shimazu.
I gave a ring to Mr. Shimazu. He told me that he didn't know a dermatologist. But his advice was that I should go to Minoo Citizen Hospital. It's the largest hospital in Minoo.He was convinced that I could find a dermatologist department in there.
Again I opened the map and checked where the hospital was located. It was a little bit farther than I thought. But I thought I could manage it if I went there by bicycle.
At the same time Mr. Shimazu called me back. He asked me if I would take over teaching an English class.
Me teaching English? I am not qualified to be the one. So, I answered him, "Let me think it over. Can I come back to you later?"
The next day I went to the hospital. On my way to the hospital there was a steep slope. I was exhausted before I arrived at the hospital.
By chance I met a beautiful dermatologist. I'm not tired any more.. She diagnosed me as a nettle rash. She gave me medicine and ointment.
A week later I visited the hospital again. This time I went up the slope smoothly.
At the end of May she showed me the results of the blood test. Now I'm getting over the nettle rash. I was glad to hear that.
In early June I joined the Fullnest Club. I met the former teacher, Motegi-san and all members of the club. I introduced myself in English.
At the end of July they gave a Sayonara Party for Motegi-san, which I also attended.
From September on I was in charge of this class.
Without these experiences I wouldn't be here today talking to all of you.



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Friendly Club