How to Be in Good Health

About this theme I talked with ten elderly participants at Japan-German-Society last Saturday.
Unfortunately Dorothea Goda couldn't come, because she had to escort her husband to the hospital. Rumor has it that he had a relapse. Actually he suffered from prostate cancer two years ago.
I was surrounded by two women, a mature woman on my left and a young woman on my right. Therefore I was a little bit nervous. My heard pounded like crazy. You know I'm a shy guy.
Let me introduce to you what was discussed at the meeting.
First of all the mature woman named Frau Ikawa, who majored in the German language at Sofia University, practices Tai-Chi. She used to have a knee pain. But She is getting over it.
Secondly an 83-year-old man from Shikoku Island.
At a breakfast table he used honey instead of spreading butter on the toast, he eats salad, fruits and yogurt. The trick here is that he doesn't eat ham and eggs and sausages. As for lunch he eats Sanuki Noodle, his hometown meal.
Although he doesn't cook, he does the dishes in the sink. That is commendable. He believes that moving fingers, especially fingertips is good for health.
His favorite hobby is reciting Chinese poems. Everyone asked him to demonstrate. I was overwhelmed by his deep moaning voice exerted from the bottom of his stomach.
Most of the participants speakt German, English and some Italian.
They say that learning foreign languages is good for brain training.
The young woman on my right likes swimming, playing tennis. She likes also playing the piano and guitar.
Looks like she is a typical decent lady living in the Kobe-Hanshin district.
As for me I talked about singing German songs in the Karaoke Bar.
Frau Ikawa is good at singing classical German song. She asked me to sing "Where have the flowers gone?" in German.
I hesitated but stood up and gave it a try.
Without melody I could not sing well. Furthermore I deliberately changed the lyrics in favor of Frau Ikawa. But nobody smiled at me. I shoud've sung the song like I always sing in the Karaoke Bar.



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