Getting Together With My Friend

On the 7th of August I met my friend by the name of Hidenori-kun in a coffee shop nearby.
The purpose is that we read aloud each other a book entitled "A Dairy of a young Girl" in German.
First of all I gave him a present (two bottles of sweet Sake ie."Mirin" manufactured in Oita Prefecture). It was actually a present from my wife
My wife got it from a relative of the famous popular singer named Komoro Tetsuya.
She felt sorry for him that he came all the way from Takatsuki-shi to Osaka city  to meet an old chap like me.
Immediately Hidenori-kun checked with the singer's name on his I-Phone. He seemed to be honored to get the present from such a legendary singer.'s relative.
On top of that my wife spoke highly of the meeting which is held every three months. We are eager to learn German together.
When I got down to business, Hidenori-kun took out I-Pad from his backpack. He had written down his translation part on this new gadget.
On the contrary I have just written my translation part on my Windows Vista for preparation.
I felt I also wanted to have a state of art gadgets, which Hidenori-kun carried around.
But when it comes to a new communication means, I'm terribly clumsy.
He said he also owns Windows Vista but it runs slowly because 90 % of its C Drive is dominated by photos and music.
So he recently bought a new computer, Windows 10. But he's now accustomed to it yet. He only surfs in internet and uses mail software.
For one thing his printer is not compatible with Windows 10. He has to upgrade the printer  to the new computer. But the problem is that he displaced the printer's driver somewhere.
The meeting began at 11 and ended at 2 pm.
Then I invited him to a restaurant for lunch.
Of course I bought him lunch.
Reading the book together motivates me to learn more about German.
I was happy when I got email from him afterwards.
He thanked me for the present and wanted to continue the meeting at this pace until  we reach the end of the book. He referred to Anne Frank, a genius young girl for a junior high school student who write difficult sentences, though.
Since we are going through 80 pages of a whole 300- page-book.. I wonder when we'll finish reading the book..
Last but not least I'd like to note that I doubt that Anne Frank wrote this book all by herself.
I admit the Jews are cleverer than all the races. It would be impossible for a little girl to write something philosophical..Of course the Nazi has done cruel things to the Jews during the last war. I am of the opinion that the Jews have conspired with the Americans to let the book publish to criticize the Germans forever.   .In German school they never used this book as a textbook..
I'd like to hear German opinion on this controversial book.



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