The Heat Drives Me Crazy

Last Friday my wife rushed to my room with a credit card company's accounts.
She thrust them into my hand. It was about an amount of about 60,000 Yen which a software company named "Adobe Creative Cloud" charged to her.
She said angrily, "You must have seen a pay-porn-site in internet." I paled at the sight of her fierce face.
I answered, "Not that I know of. Oh come on, honey, in the first place I haven't got a credit card. You know that well. Maybe you should ask our daughter about it."
But my wife was adamant, "My daughter wouldn't do a thing like this."
I got on the internet and checked out on "Adobe something" It was an application of photography.
I thought to myself that it had something to do with my daughter's work.
Meanwhile my wife answered the credit company that she knew nothing of the bill. So she wouldn't pay for the amount. If they didn't accept her, she would definitely change her credit card's number.
The next day I asked my wife what happened to the credit company's charge.
She said our daughter bought the software in the internet. She asked my wife to let her use my wife's credit card beforehand.
Now my wife is getting forgettable.
Two days later I went to the supermarket and bought daily goods for my family. When I took some rest at a coffee shop, I glimpsed at a memo my wife wrote to me during breakfast..
"Oh, my god! I forgot to buy two pieces of tomatoes. I hurried back to the supermarket and bought them.
It was extremely hot and muggy on my way back home.
I sweated a lot.
As soon as I got home, I changed my clothes. I wore a T-shirt and short pants.
I threw my trousers away. Soon I realized that I lost my handbag somewhere. What bugged me is that the handbag contained my wallet with an amount of 15,000 Yen and a cash card of Mitsubishi Bank.
Immediately I called up the supermarket and explained to a woman in charge. So far she heard no report of wallet's missing. I told her politely my name and telephone number and asked her to come back to me should she find my handbag.
In the course of time I talked with my wife about it. She got exasperated. Since it was a bank holiday,my wife grabbed the telephone and was about to call the police.
As for me I decided to go to the supermarket again to check with my handbag all by myself
I took up  the trousers from the bed. Holy, Cow! I found my handbag under the trousers!
I can't blame my wife for being forgettable. I am also getting forgettable.
Looks like my wife and I are in the same boat.



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