What's On My Mind

My 78-year-old sister lives in Tokyo alone. For years she suffers from dementia.
Last summer a care manager decided to raise my sister's nursing care level Grade 2 to Grade 3, as she was getting more and more senile.
The big hospital doctor suggested that it was about time she go into a nursing home. But my sister wouldn't to listen to him. She always says that she wants to die in her apartment.
Meanwhile a clinic doctor nearby took over the job of the the doctor at the big hospital. Now she prescribes medicine for my sister. It was nice of her to dispatch a nurse from Home-Visit-Nursing Station.
Nonetheless my sister could not go see a clinic doctor alone.
So I asked a lawyer to be a guardian of my sister. I exchanged a contract with him. Then he applied  for the guardianship at the court. The judge admitted. Now her fortune and property are in the hands of the lawyer.
Earlier this month my wife visited my sister and talked with a caregiver. Then they went to see  the clinic doctor together.
It was surprising that the results of my sister's blood test showed a clean bill of health. Moreover her blood pressure is stable, although she forgets to take the medicine.
After that my wife and the caregiver visited the care manager. My wife asked the care manager to have the caregiver watch my sister twice a day.
My sister is stingy. She doesn't want to use an air-conditioner in the hot summer.
According to my wife, my sister got thinner, now weighs 39 KG. On top of that her walking speed is slower than before. The worst thing my wife noticed was that my sister stinks in the elevator. Probably she forgets sometimes to take a bath..
As for me I make it a point of writing a postcard to my sister regularly, sometimes to the caregiver as a token of appreciation.
Without her I couldn't have led such a happy-go-lucky life in Osaka. I feel sad when I get no answer from my sister, But I just keep on writing. That is at least what I can do for my sister at the moment..



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