A View of the Dutch through the English Language

Dutch auction: an auction that proceeds backwards; one in which the price is reduced until a buyer is found.

Dutch bargain: bargain made and sealed while drinking.

beat the Dutch: to do somethng extraordinary or startling. Ex. How does he do it? It beats the Dutch.

Dutch built: originally, Dutch flat-bottomed vessels; current usage attriuted to (a) male: long and lanky (b) female: see "Dutch bottomed."

Dutch buttocked: originally, a strain of Dutch cattle with large hind quarters; comptemporary aasociation is the large, pear-shaped rump of modern Dutch women, stemming from excessive bicycle riding and dairy products.

Dutch concert: babble of noises.

Dutch consolation: the philosophy or attitude that, "Whatever ill befalls you, there is someone worse off than you.

Dutch courage: courage induced by alchoholic drink.

Dutch defense: surrender.

do a Dutch: to desert, escape; commit suicide.

double Dutch: gibberish.

dutching: the use of gamma rays to make spoiled food edible again.

duchman: an oject for hiding faulty workmanship( construction).

Dutch feast: a party where the entertainer gets drunk before his guests.

Dutch gleek: heavy or excessive drinking.

go Dutch: to have each person pay his own expenses.

(I'm a) Dutchman: a phrase implying refusal or disbelief.

in Dutch: in disfavour, disgrace or trouble.

Dutch it: double-cross.

Dutch lottery: a lottery in which tickets are drawn in certain classes or series for each of which certain prizes increasing in number and value with each class are fixed.

Dutch metal: a malleable alloy...beaten into thin leaves and used a cheap imitation of gold-leaf; also called "Dutch gold," "Dutch foil" and "Dutch leaf".

Dutch nightingale: a frog.

Dutch oven: a person's mouth.

Dutch reckoning: guesswork.

to Dutch: to miscalculate in palcing bets so as to have a mathematical expectancy of losing rather than winning.

Dutch treat: a party, outing, etc. at which each participant pays for his own share (corruption of "Dutch trait").

Dutch uncle: a severe critic or counsellor.

Dutch widow: prostitute.

Dutch wife: a  hot sizzling Japanese plastic doll lonelyhearts play with and caress.



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