The last day in Germany

I left Inter City Hotel early in the morning and walked to Nuernberg Station to check out on the subway bound for Nuernberg Airport. Since the  departure time is 11:00 am I had enough time. Then I dropped in the Internet Cafe to kill time. I enjoyed surfing in the Internet and tried to email my daughter back home. But I failed to write to her, because the keyboard was so worn out that I could not make out which key to use. I asked a German sitting next to me. Because of my bad German he couldn't catch what I was saying. In the end I decided to leave the cafe and moved toward the cashier. From nowhere an old handsome gentleman appeared and spoke to me in English. "You're Japanese, aren't you? I've been watching you ever since you entered this cafe." He smiled at me. But I was dumbfounded. Watching me? Incredible! Supervising seems to me the typical German habit. Anyway I had to be friendly, since this is the last day in Germany. All of a sudden I remembered that Japan joined Germany and Italy as one of the Axis Powers in the 2nd World War. I said, "Come to think of it, we were good friends way back when, weren't we?" Then he offered me his arms and held me up in the air and whispered, "Oh, yes, we're still good friends and will be so forever."
His remarks made my visit to Germany worthwhile.
Now, I'd like to share a couple of tips when we visit a foreign country.
1. Prepare for any contingency
2. Don't ever lose temper. After all, you're in a strange country.
3. If possible, learn greetings of the country you visit.

A little langauge goes a long way.



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