Das Parfum

I finished reading a book entitled "Perfume". It was an intenational bestseller written by a German author.
The story focused on Jean Baptise Grenouille, a  perfume apprentice in 18th century France. He was born orphan with no body scent himself. As a young man he decided to make the best perfume in the world. So he begins to stalk and murder vrigins in search of the "perfect scent". He finds a young woman named Laura in a secluded private garden in the southern part of France.
It took me almost five months to read this book. For there were so many difficult German words that I could not catch up with the plot. So most of the time I relied on my fantasies. One of my friends read the Japanese translated version. She wanted me to fill in me on the plot. It would be boring to hear that. Moreover it would prevent me from learning German. I never lent an ear to her. I prided myself in my ability to read the book without a dictionary.
It's disgusting that a little French guy killed 24 young women for the sake of  collecting pleasant perfume. In the end he was immune to a death penalty. He came back to a fish market in Paris, where he was born. As soon as he wore the collected perfume, a large number of people closed in on him and finally crashed him to pieces and ate him up. What a horrible story! The author seemed to refer to the Enlightening Period of the 18th century and  the era of "No moral begins" in Europe. But it's all Greek to me. That's a shame.



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