Five simple greetings in German

If you speak English, you'll have no problem travelling around Germany. The Germans speak normally good English. But if you knew greetings in German, they would of  help to you. So, today, I'd like to introduce five simple German greetings to you.

1. Guten Tag!
It means "How do you do?", ""Hello or Hi!"  and "Good day!"

2. Entschuldigung!
Excuse me or sorry.

3. Danke!
Thank you! Thanks!

4. Bitte
Don't mention it. Please.

5. Tschüss!
Bye bye. See you. Talk to you later.

In general German pronunciation is easier than English.
When you say "Theater", you don't have to stick out your tongue to pronouce the "TH" sound.
It's a little bit difficult to pronouce  the "Ü" sound, though. Its a combination of "U" and "E" sound.
Last not but least, please look the Germans in the face, when you speak to them.
Facing someone this way assures sincerity.



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