"The best answer"

I subscribe to a German text book monthly which is edited by  National Radio Japan.
In  the May issue there was a contest where we competed for the best email in German. Since I have much time to kill, I wrote email out of whim and sent it to the Radio Station.
Last Friday I happened to buy the August issue. I thumbed through and I was astounded to find my name on page 117. They selected my email as the best answer. The next day I received a letter with a 500 Yen- book -coupon. My wife just smiled at me. But my daughter almost scooped up the coupon. I could have yelled at her, "Hey, Luder! Was denn? Das ist mein Schatz!" On second thought I thought it was childish. So I smiled at them by the same token. Anyway  I am sort of honoered. I'm happy that they made my name public.
Incidentally this is the second time I saw my name in the same German textbook. Back in 1967 they printed my name in the text as I had evaluated their program positively.



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