What type of a book reader are you?

Last Tuesday I went to German cultural center. A young teacher assistent gave a presentation. The title is about various types of  book reading in Germany.
The Germans are divided into four groups when it comes to book reading.

1) Book-resistant
9% of readers are allergic to reading books. Instead they like more watching  TV or surfing in internet than reading books

2) Normal
 40% of the German people are classified as  normal readers who buy up to 9 books a year

3) Bookworm
27% of the Germans are classified into this group

4) Buy books but not read
The rest of the Germans falls into this group. They just buy books and they stack up books against the wall

What type of a book reader are you?

-As for me, I buy strictly 5-6 German books a year. I don't care about Japanese books. I want to be immerged in the German language for the rest of my life.

-I usually read Yomiuri Shimbun, novels and news in internet.

-I read the German books just before I hit the hay. In general, German books are difficult to read, In the meantime I'd become sleepy. I believe the Germans books are a good sleeping pill.

-I'm not a fast reader but a slow reader, because I need a dictionary when I read the books.

-I'm currently reading  two books
One is for children, that is, "Puenktchen und Anton" by Erich Kaestner.
The other is a  novel. The title is "Summer  Falsehood" by Bernhard Schlink



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