A Night in Nuernberg

I went on a trip to Germany 7 years ago. My flight with Royal Dutch Airlines has been delayed for a long time in Amsterdam. Furthermore my destination was changed from Nuernberg to Muenchen. But thanks to the Dutch, they  gave us a bus-ride from Muenchen to the Nuernberg Airport. Finally I made it in Nurnberg at 2:00 in the morning and entered  Inter -City -Hotel in front of the station . I was so exhausted that I wanted to get into my room right away and sleep like a log.
At the reception, a short, chubby man was waiting for me. I just wanted to show him a voucher which I acquired from HIS, a Japanese travel agency in Duesseldorf. But he insisted that I turn in also my credit card. "Why?"  He smiled and said politely, "Well, Mr. Kaneko, once you get into your room you'd like some refreshment and watch TV or say, a video. To make a long story short, don't you like watching beautiful German ladies with big titties?" His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed glasses and let out a meaningul smile. I almost said "Yes!" But suddenly I remembered my friends in Amberg and my wife back in Japan. I turned away from him for a moment but he kept on talking.
My watch said 4:00. He turned out to be an Italian. I said to myself, "How could I meet an Italian at the front desk!" After that he started not only  priding himself of being an Italian but also talking about the wonderful Roman establishements, which weathered earthquakes and fires for a long time and still stand like a stonewall.
Well, I have enough of this. It was so irritating that I snapped at him, "You Italians, we were once friends in the Axiom Powers. But because of  the womanizer Mussolini you chickened out of the Japan-Germany -Italy Alliance. You were the first one to give up on the war. Then you asked America for help. You chicken! Look at the Japanese, we were brave to fight Americans until they devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs," Well, it's no time for discussing this matter so early in the morning.  After that he reluctantly gave me the keys to the room.
I rushed to the elevator and got in. But it doesn't budge a little. I was wondering what happened to the elevator. Soon the Italian came up with a plastic card. He said kindly, "Well, Mr, Kaneko, you need this when you go upstairs." and inserted the card into a slot. Before the door was closed, he grinned and said to me, "It's sometimes smart to give up first, Mr. Kaneko!"



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