I'm on a tight budget

Did you have a good time during the golden week? Unfortunately I didn't go anywhere. I just stayed at home. But every morning I went to a supermarket, "Koyo", to buy toilette paper, tooth paste, rubber gloves for the kitchen and so on. In my family I'm responsible for keeping houshold necessaries updated.
On the evening of 28th, April I had a Skype message from Ikeda-san. He asked me which page of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" he was supposed to translate at the next meeting. Furthermore he wanted to try out Skype with his I Pad.
Next day I decided to talk with him over Skype in the afternoon. Ikeda-san's image on the screen was better than when he used Smartphone per se 10 days ago. The worst image was when he used his personal computer with his Smartphone a month ago.
He said this connection is techically called "tethering" and recommended by a mobile phone company, "Docomo". At that time his image was blurred and shown in slow motion. Moreover timing of his opening his mount and his voice was not synchronized.
I'm not a computer expert. But my understanding is that he used Smartphone as a substitute for  an internet router. He said that he didn't use an internet provider, "Eonet" any more. Thus he could save about 5,000 Yen per month.
It seems that he has been reviewing all items in daily life since the consumption tax increased up to 8% on the 1st of April.
He is on a tight budget. So am I.
Now I'd like to demonstrate the supreme saving way to you.
When the lesson is over I usually buy a canned coffee from the vending machine downsatairs and take a rest at the smoking corner outside. That's the most comfortable and relaxed moment for me.
But I will not buy a canned coffee.I've heard the coffee beans in the canned coffee are the worst.  Instead of a canned coffee, I will drink a cup of Oolong tea from this thermos which I brought here.. I'm a little bit ashamed because the color of the thermos is red. But it is my daughter's thermos she used to take with her to the kindergarten a long time ago. Suppose a canned coffee costs me 120 Yen and I come here 6 times a month. So my saving adds up to 720 Yen.
Given the prospect that the consumption tax is again on the rise next year, it is necessary for me to tighten the purse strings still further.



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