Getting to know my neighborhood

Other than the Ekimae building, I found recently three shops where I enjoy spending my free time.
Firstly, McDonald's. It's located near JR Fukushima Station. You can buy  a premium roast coffee" at the price of 120 Yen. Moreover you're allowed to smoke in the morning from 5:00 am until 10:30 am. I like this shop, because I can write a script for the English lesson.
Secondly there is a Karaoke shop next to the Mcdonald's. You can enjoy singig Karaoke with free beverages at the price of 160 Yen an hour.
Last not but least I'd like to introduce a video rental store by the name of "Tsutaya". You can rent old movies for one week at the price of 190 Yen. They also provide you with a special discount for the elderly(over 60 years old).
Last week I rented a video entitled "Dresden".
Do you know where Dresden is located? It's located in the eastern part of Germanyneighboring Poland and Czechoslovakia. It used to be the second largest city after Berlin in the era of Nazi Germany.
Unfortunately Dresden was completely destroyed by the Royal Air Force and the United Army Air Force in 1945. At that time the Allies wanted to cut off Germany's strategic life-lines to pitch in the Russian invasion from the east side.
I heard the city Dresden for the first time from an American sales person, Bill Loonatic, when I was working for the American-Japanese-Jointventure in the 90's. I attended him to the Japanese clients when he visited Japan. Since he was a lunatic I could have asked him any questions on the road.
One day I touched on a senstive issue between the two nations. I took the plunge and complained to him that America dropped Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
I said, "Bill, that was atrocious. How could Americans be so inhumane? Don't tell me you had a racical discrimination against Japs!" He answered flatly, "My father was a pilot on the fighting airplane on the European theater. We devatstated Dresden much harder than Hiroshima."

The movie entails an unexpected romance between a British pilot (Paul) and a German nurse (Anna).
Paul was shot down by the German Flak. He got injured but he could walk.He passed for a German and sneaked into the hospital where Anna worked as a headnurse.
Although Anna had a fiance, she somehow fell in love with Paul while she was tending him. Dealth penalty would have been sentenced on her, if a Nazi officer had known the fact.
I found the movie interesting, because I could enjoy learning both the English and German conversation at the same time.
What made me really happy was that the Dresden Frauenkirche (Women Church) which was destroyed by the raid completely  was reconstructured by not only German architects but also British voluteering architects groups in 1990. It's so peaceful.
I am also happy that I now belong to the free world.



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