I like Hankyu Railway

Last Monday I left "Harry Potter Club" at 11:30 and visited a psychosomatic therapist near Minoo Station for my tinnitus treatment.
There were 10 patients already in the waiting room. I figured out that my counselling time would be somewhere around 13:00 to say the least. Wow, I couldn't wait that long. So I told an employee  at the reception desk. "Medicine only!" Soon she gave me the prescription for the drugs. I was supposed to submit it to a pharmacy in return for the medicine.
When I was passing Minoo Station, all of a sudden I had a feeling that I wanted to say "Hello" to my favorite dentist. I raced up the spiral stairs of the station building. On the second floor I met a young cute hygiene assistent. I wanted to say that I was glad to see you! But I couldn't. By way of excuse I bought a toothbrush and 2 sizes of interdental brushes. In the meantime I looked surreptiously through the doorways. The beautiful dentist in the new blue uniform was on her knees to wait on an old patient. What a polite way to treat a patient! That made my day! I was walking on air. Before I knew it, I was on the first floor. Then I saw  a Hankyu train was about to leave for Ishibashi. I rushed to the train and got on it without thinking much about the prescritption. When the train reached Ishibashi Station, I realized that I forgot visiting the pharmacy.
But I was hungry. I ate Kitusne noodle and Onigiri at Hankyu Noodle Shop on the station. I mulled over what I should do next, go straight back  home, or return to Minoo. Then I remembered a proverb, "Don't postpone until tomorrow what you can do today." I decided to get back to Minoo.
At the wicket in Minoo Station I was nervous. I wondered how I should explain to the ticket examiner. After all said and done, I rememberd "Honesty is the best policy," I showed to him the commuting ticket and even the prescritption and apologetically said, "I'm sorry. It's my mistake that I got on the train. Now I want to go to a pharmacy." He asked me simply,"Which pharmacy are you going to visit?" I answered "Okubo Pharmacy". He replied, "I got it. As a general rule you'd have to pay for the train fare to Ishibashi and back Minoo. But this time you don't have to pay. Please be careful nex time." I was relieved to hear that. How generous is the ticket examiner of Minoo Station!



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