A Subtle Difference in Approaches to Medical Care

Condition           AMERI-THINK                                  JAPAN-THINK

cut finger:            Band-Aid                                          hospital professional bandage from
                                                                                     elbow to tio of finger.
                                                                                     13 varieities of pills, hald day off
                                                                                      work, revisit hospital every day

headache:            Aspirin                                               hospital, brain scan, 8 varieties of pills
                                                                                      complete day off work

scraped knee:    disinfectant and Band-Aid                   hospital, antibiotic pills of every color in
                                                                                      the spectrum, revisit hospital daily for 2
                                                                                      weeks for redressig bandage

cold:                  Aspirin, plenty of fluids,tissues           badge of honor is white face mask,
                                                                                      worn until gray
                                                                                      13 liters of green tea per day

broken arm:       visit doctor, in and out same day         rarely happens. hospital
                                                                                      confinement  for 3 weeks
                                                                                      intravenous feeding a banquet of
                                                                                      pills, trip to Hawaii to recuperate

pneumonia:       visit doctor, bed rest, pills                    hospital by ambulance. one-month
                         chicken noodle soup                            confinement  tests every day
                                                                                       for tuberclosis    

Health System:  Private Insurance Policies                    National Health Insurance

Attitude:            A macho-American                              Doctors are learned specialists
                                                                                       Doctors make the big bucks by selling pills

Doctors:            A second opinion                                  Respect must be paid to doctors
                                                                                       don't ask why

Fees:                 Outrageous                                             Consulation fee is inexpensive
                                                                                        Paitents pay minimal fees for individual

hospital stay:    the average hospital stay 3 days            the average hospital stay: 15 days

medical check:   N.A.                                                      go once a year to "human dock"



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