Garbage Disposal

My wife always makes me the garbage throw away. She just throws a reproachful look at me and points to the inflammable garbage filled with 40 -liter transparent plastic bags and household rubbish.

The rubbish heap is located in the cellar of our condominium.

First, I throw the flammable garbage in the big garbage diposal machine.

Then the machine rattles and howls ominously. The sound gives me the creeeps.

After that I select carefully plastic bottles, beer cans, glass bottles, old paper, batteries, fluorescent lights and ink cartridges.

Finally, I throw them away  respectively in the proper blue boxes.

I find this job toilsome and boring. Sometimes I have a feeling that I want to throw myself with the garbage into big disposal machine.

For better or worse my wife isn't in the least interested in collecting the garbage.

After all I'm disposable at 65.



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