Luncheon Speech

Welcome home Iida-san. We're very happy to have you back with us. I hope you'll enjoy learning English with us again. I've got an important announcement to make. While you were away from us, we have a newcomer. I'd like to introduce to you Mrs. Fujii. She lives in Ikeda-city and goes to her second house in Sanda with her husband on weekends. But I'm sure you will be hung up on her, because she is one of the most attractive and creati woman in this club.
As for other memebers of our club, first, I'd like to thank Mrs. Inoue. You volunteered for an accountant, as Mrs. Kitajima tentatively left the club last April. You've done a good job!
Next, Mrs Yamaguchi, I am always grateful to you for reserving the classroom every month. And Shimazu-san, thank you for bringing the cassete tape recorder to the classroom each time our English lessons take place.
Lastly, I'd like to thank Mrs. Kashiwagi for booking a Japanese restaurant "Shohei" for today' lunch. I really appreciate it.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm very pleased to be here with all of you, practicing English. I spend my free time reading English speech books. Recently I read a book entitled "The Quick and Easy Way to the Effective Speaking" by Dale Carnegie. I summed up important points by chapter by chapter and typed them in  PowerPoint slides. I hope this will be of help  when I give a talk next time.
In the interests of time I'd better stop talking now. For today is our special day. We all get together for luncheon.
I am looking forward to having lunch with you. Please enjoy lunch and  have lot's of  fun!



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